Course Details

Unity Certified User - Artist

Sanjay Jotwani


  • Overview
  • Curriculum
  • Certificates


  •   Any version of Unity with recommended desktop/laptop requirements.
  •   Knowledge of Visual Designing using Adobe Photoshop is highly recommended.
  •   No prior knowledge or experience with Unity is required.

What You'll Learn

Who this Course is for

• Import assets including but not limited to settings for FBX, OBJ and associated textures.
• Import and configure assets from the Unity Asset Store.
• Slice spritesheets for use in a 2D scene including but not limited to using the default Sprite Editor and 9-slicing.
• Identify mesh components including vertices, polygon faces and edges.
• Create key frames and change tangents in the Curve Editor using the Animation window.
• Create, modify and utilize Prefabs.

• Utilize Transform tools and the Transform component in the Inspector.
• Create prototype scenes using Unity primitives and/or low poly meshes utilizing white box/grey box techniques.
• Create and edit a landscape with materials utilizing the Terrain tool including but not limited to mask maps, texture painting, and diffuse properties.

• Modify materials using the Standard Shader and editing properties including but not limited to specular, transparency, normal, and albedo.
• Identify basic lighting including but not limited to shadows, light settings, and light shapes such as directional, area, spot, and point.
• Utilize single camera set up including but not limited to isometric vs. standard, camera component, background, culling masks, clipping planes, field of view (FOV), etc.
• Given a scenario, determine the appropriate rendering pipeline that should be used.

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